The handing-over procedures of the stations have also commenced allong Metro Line M4. After a successful procedure at Bikás park (Tétényi út), as the fit-out and systems-deployment works are completed, DBR Metro Project Directorate will hand all the stations of the line over to BKV Zrt., the future operator. Parallel, the completion certification procedures are also underway.
The white tests, the passengerless testing, just begun by Siemens are one of the most important elements in the Project, because these tests will demonstrate whether the various elements of the project provided by different manufacturers and contractors can function in a coordinate and safe way. The success of these white tests is the precondition for the Test in Traffic Operation to begin at the end of March 2014, as undertaken. Though the trains will have attendants in the first year or year and half, i.e. during the Test in Traffic Operation, the M4 trains will run in driverless mode, and many of the tests currently conducted take place in automatic mode.
Budapest Municipality
Budapest Transport Centre (BKK)
BKV Zrt. DBR Metro Project Directorate
Photo by Dávid Nyitrai (BKK)